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For more than 100 years, Chemsearch FE has been committed to the proper maintenance, safety, and protection of our customers’ facilities and their occupants. As such, we are excited to launch our Facility Shield program, in which we will address the treatment and reactivation of some of the most critical infrastructures within your facility, as well as institute best practices to impact infectious disease transmission according to CDC, WHO, and ASHRAE guidelines and standards.

First, it’s important to understand the unique challenges our Facility Shield program addresses:

Recommissioning HVAC & Wastewater Systems

A building that has experienced low demand for an extended amount of time will present a poorly functioning wastewater system. For instance, dry p-traps can upset the balance of pressures in a building, leading to inefficient filtration and the ingress of sewer gases. Mold taking up residence in a stagnant air-handling unit would be introduced into a facility once activated.

Recommissioning Drain & Waste Collection Systems

Drain and wet waste collection systems not only contribute to the air quality in a facility, but also impact the function and flow of critical components of wastewater disposal. Stagnant waste in grease-traps and lift stations will create the perfect environment for the formation of hydrogen sulfide. Little to no flow within a wastewater system will result in dried, crusted material on the inside of the pipes, causing major drain blockages.

Drain Sanitization & Fly Control

Often overlooked, drain systems are ideal environments for harmful bacteria to thrive. Flies breeding inside the drain can carry bacteria to other areas of a facility. Flies in garbage areas, such as trash chutes and loading docks, can also lead to the spread of contaminants in and around a building. Disinfecting and controlling drain flies is paramount to the health and safety of the building.

Coil Cleaning & Air Quality

Properly preparing and maintaining your building’s HVAC system plays a significant role in a facility’s air quality. New guidelines suggest to significantly increase the flow of outside air into buildings, reducing the amount of return air recycled. Designs that achieve higher ventilation rates will reduce risk, however, such buildings will be more affected by local outdoor air quality, including the level of allergens and pollutants, varying temperature and humidity conditions. The need to clean and disinfect coils along with their condensate pans is greater than ever.

Disinfectants for Facility Engineers

The CDC recommends cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces. As it pertains to facility engineers and staff, these objects and surfaces can greatly vary from the typical locations like lobbies, offices, or other highly populated areas.

Our nationwide team of technical advisers can guide you and your building through these recommissioning concepts, and equip you with the products and tools necessary to ensure your facility is protected. Some examples of the program includes:

  • Proper sanitization of your drains to prevent bacteria and eradicate drain flies
  • Remove drain waste and effectively prevent the formation of H2S
  • Solutions to clean and disinfect coils as well as their condensate pans
  • Provide disinfectant solutions specifically designed for use in mechanical rooms, workstations, maintenance shops, and on tools, equipment or wherever employees may be working

With this partnership, we will help you train your staff and provide the resources that will keep consistency in your treatment plans, as well as help you market those practices in your facility coinciding with your already established safety plans. If you would like to discuss further with one of our resource management experts, please click here, and we will get someone in touch with you soon.

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